Find your well-earned indulgences here.

Easy Christmas Tiramisu Trifle Dessert

Easy to make Christmas Tiramisu Trifle is a no-bake, time saving dessert that has all the delicious tastes of the season with every creamy bite. It’s made effortlessly with eggnog instead of the traditional eggs and heavy cream and layered with gingersnaps instead of lady fingers for that warm spice flavor that everyone is craving right now.

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Frozen Treats, dairy free recipes, Dessert Julie Butler Frozen Treats, dairy free recipes, Dessert Julie Butler

Mocha Tortoni Cups

My dairy-free Mocha Tortoni Cups are made from eggs, gelatin and coffee, which makes this a low-fat version. Instead of using traditional paper cupcake liners, I decided to make dark chocolate cups to hold the delicious Tortoni's and even topped them off with a dairy-free whipped cream and made chocolate covered pretzel stir sticks for a fun garnish. These have a great mocha flavor thanks to JUST Coffee El Corazon blend.

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