Natural Food Dyed Eggs

Turmeric, beet juice and carrot juice dyed eggs.

Turmeric, beet juice and carrot juice dyed eggs.

Whether you ran out of time, the store shelves are empty, or you just want to use a more safe and natural way to dye your Easter eggs, this is a fun project you can enjoy with your kids! It’s nice to think outside of the box….the store bought Easter egg dye box, that is. I wanted to dig through my kitchen and experiment with different items that would naturally and safely dye a hard-boiled egg…and here’s what I found:


Let’s get started!


For all these dye recipes, you will need to boil 4 cups water and 2 tablespoons white vinegar.

After water and vinegar comes to a boil, add your food or spice…keep reading below for the amounts of each.

Note: I cheated on the beets and used a jar of pickled beets I already had in the fridge.😉


For bright, yellow-orange eggs, add 1 tablespoon Turmeric to the boiling water/vinegar mixture and lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes.


For pastel yellow, I shredded two carrots and added to the boiling mixture, but wish I had shredded a couple more. The color was very faint. You could also add a dab of Turmeric to give it a boost. Lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Like I said before, this was somewhat of an experiment, so try anything you think will work!

After simmering for 30 minutes, remove from heat and allow to cool completely and strain into a small bowl or container. Next, add your hard-boiled eggs and let soak in the dye for 30 minutes or to the desired shade.


Oh, and remember the beet juice I cheated with…I just let the egg sit in the juice for 30 minutes.

However, you could add some fresh cut beets to the boiling mixture also.

(I love pickled beets, so I always have some in the fridge.)


Here are all the different egg dye soaks…from left to right:

Turmeric, Beet, Carrot


…and here are the results!

They all have a natural beauty, but I thought the Turmeric egg turned out the best!

Whether you try these, or experiment with your own concoctions, I hope you enjoy this special holiday and stay safe! I’d love to know if you did try a different ingredient and how well it worked, please feel free to leave a comment!


Happy Easter!


Julie Butler

Hi, I’m Julie Butler with Inspiration Apron, a blog full of delicious recipes, mouth-watering photographs, fun crafts and travel inspiration. I’m a southern girl, North Carolina is my home state and I’ve got some southern classics and vintage family recipes along with new and exciting creations. Enjoy!

Jellybean Flower Jar