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Hearts of Palm Salad Dressing

a healthy creamy vegan dressing


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Healthy vegan salad dressing

Every once in a while, I give myself a big pat on the back for creating a recipe that amazes even me. I’ve created an amazing recipe for a creamy and delicious hearts of palm salad dressing that will revolutionize your salad game. Ever since I’ve been lactose intolerant, I have had to avoid most creamy salad dressings because they are dairy-based, (like ranch.) Every time I ate hearts of palm, I kept thinking to myself that it would make a delicious salad dressing. So after a couple attempts, I had success making a dairy-free/vegan salad dressing that has such amazing flavor. You can also use as a dipping sauce for veggies, wings, or nuggets, use in a lunch wrap, substitute for ranch dressing…and more!

What is Hearts of Palm?

Hearts of Palm actually does come from palm trees, but don’t worry, the harvesting process does not harm the entire plant. The white cylinder shaped palm hearts come from the tender, immature, growing top of the crown part of the tree.(ref)

What does Hearts of Palm taste like?

The taste is very similar to an artichoke, but the texture is much more tender. Hearts of palm are a healthy vegan food. It has zero fat and is low carb, along with protein and lots of potassium. It’s perfect for making a creamy and healthy salad dressing with no mayo or dairy. So get ready to impress your taste buds and elevate your salads to a whole new level! Makes approximately 18 ounces.

Let’s begin!

Hearts of palm salad dressing ingredients

How to make hearts of palm creamy salad dressing


How to store hearts of palm salad dressing

Other ideas to use hearts of palm dressing



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